CST Women – It is “HATS” time again – Sisterhood Shabbat
If you would like to participate, please contact Irit
Text 216-856-5555 or email her
Your presence is highly encouraged with or without a particular role.
Together we will make things happen!!!
This year Sisterhood is asking for donations for
Concerned Citizens Community Council or “C4”
Items needed: personal care products/toiletries, dental products, feminine hygiene products, diapers for infants through old age (open packages are accepted), and non-perishable food. Additionally, yarn (odds and ends/partial skeins are accepted)
is needed for volunteer knitters who make hundreds of hats and scarves
annually for distribution by C4.
Please drop your items off at CST in the bins at the entrance hall labeled, “C4” by November 30, 2021. Laurie Mitchell Billowitz will donate the items on our behalf!