Adult Learning
A wide variety of educational opportunities are available for adults at Shaarey Tikvah. Examples of adult learning include:
- Midweek Mishnah: Most Wednesday mornings at 10am on Zoom for a lively, interactive text study where no Hebrew is required
- Schmooze with the Rabbi: Offered periodically as an opportunity to connect and grow personally
- Rosh Hodesh Reflections: Short talks by congregants, on the eve of the new month by Zoom
- Racial justice study group: monthly, by Zoom
- Adult Lunch and Learns: Offered a few times a year, this program includes lunch, followed by speakers on diverse topics of interest to congregants
- Shabbaton: An annual event from Friday night through Saturday night, featuring prayer, Torah study, discussions, community building, and educational programs. This year, we held instead a Zoom series titled, “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself: The Love Yourself Edition” in which guest speakers helped us build our resilience and sense of peace and wholeness.
- Sisterhood and Men’s Club: Events such as special Shabbat services, guest speakers, and a short story discussion group
- Global Day of Learning: Congregation Shaarey Tikvah joins over 300 communities across the world for a day of study and unity
- Tikkun Leil Shavuot: An all-night study session on the first evening of Shavuot, in partnership with other local congregations, schools, and Jewish organizations in which many of our own congregants teach