Membership FAQs

What are the benefits of membership?

There are numerous benefits to becoming a member. Members are entitled to:

  • Access to Rabbi Scott Roland who is available for life cycle events and pastoral care. You can contact Rabbi Scott by e-mail at or by phone at 216-765-8300 x105.
  • Tickets for your household to attend High Holy Days services.
  • Access to adult education and general congregational programs, including the Shaarey Tikvah Shabbaton.
  • Monthly bulletin mailings and weekly email announcements.
  • Ability to rent space at the synagogue for life cycle events.
  • Ability to purchase cemetery plots at Zion Memorial or Mount Olive at member prices.

What does membership cost?

Shaarey Tikvah has a dues ladder based on age. To learn what Community Contribution and Fees 2024-25  would cost for your family, please contact our Executive Director, Holly Sukol at or 216-765-8300 x101.

Shaarey Tikvah is proud to offer an introductory two-step rate for young families (where one adult head of household is under 40). The first year of membership is $180 and the second year is 50% off of the standard dues. Our hope is that you will feel comfortable trying out Shaarey Tikvah for a year or two with minimal financial impact.

We also have a reduced dues program for those who are not able to pay for dues in full. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your situation with you, so that we can tailor a membership plan that works best for you.

How can I join?

Easy! Just fill out the attached Membership Application (PDF) and return it to Holly Sukol’s attention.

What if I have questions about membership?

Please contact us: